Monday, July 16, 2012

Manicure/Pedicure for puppies

My nails are always lovely because every six weeks I go to the groomer.  She fusses over me and makes sure I am always at my stunning best.  Little puppies have nails that need a trim quite often, long before they need to go to the groomer.  It's not hard or scary to trim their nails because they have been holding out their paws for the job since they were three weeks old.
   Buy some little nail clippers from any pet shop.  They have a size just for puppies.  If your puppy is several months old you can use regular size clippers.  Just take off the pointy end.  If you do this regularly puppy won't mind and it will keep her comfortable.  Imagine walking on claws that hit the ground before you do!
  My puppies have little dew claws on their front feet so don't forget to check for them as well.
  .....A Mani pedi is such a great thing.

Friday, June 29, 2012


We dogs love to eat.  The thing is we are never sure when dish has the best food.  Cruising dinners is just the most natural thing to do.  Maybe the puppy has something better than I do??!  There really is nothing like that soft gooey baby food.
    This puppy Archie, the chocolate one, he likes everybody's dinner and will travel from dish to dish. Little Cedar, the blonde will easily just give up and say okay just have it. Personally I like Annabel the standard poodle's dish so if I can get there I will just stare at her until she lets me have it.
   If you have more than one dog at home it is usually best to feed them in separate places.  They can concentrate on the job at hand.  It is sometimes hard to read our subtle and not so subtle dinner time conversations but unlike people they are not always cordial to one another.

Friday, June 22, 2012

   I must confess even my puppies have nipped at a finger now and then or tugged on a pant leg.  I have tried to explain that humans have no sense of fun in this regard but it takes them a while to understand.
   If your puppy nips at you he is just wanting to have a bit of fun doggie style.  Do exactly what I do when a dog nips me too hard, yell.  At first a little yell could be sufficient.  However, if he just thinks you are enjoying the game then scream...use your drama.  Then be still and stop the game.
  That is what we dogs do to tell another that they are playing too rough.  Let's face it with you humans nipping is always too rough so you have to let your puppy know right away that it is just not your cup of tea.  Perhaps find a tug tug toy or some other thing you can do together that is mutually enjoyable.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


     We dogs like our walks but when puppy comes home he's not going to be ready for your five mile morning constitutional.  What he loves to do is follow.  My puppies follow me and they will follow you.  They get a little older and they say  ''re not the boss of me" but little puppies are wonderful followers.
   Start your walks by having puppy follow you around the garden or some place where he won't get a disease from strange dog poop.  He'll love it.
  When you are having a good time with that put on a harness with a leash  Harness are so much nicer than attaching a leash to a collar.  He should follow you on his leash quite happily.  If he pulls or jumps just stop for a minute until he has collected himself and off you go again.
  If you are on a sidewalk and he gets nervous he could back our of a collar but with the harness he will be happy and secure.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


One thing I have noticed about puppies is that they learn lots and lots in the first six months of life.  After that they would prefer to cruise on what they know.  Actually, they can learn lots of stuff like dance steps and finding the treasure at any age.  However,  stuff about the world like 'hats are not scary' or 'people are not waiting to steal my food' are things best learned young.

   If you want puppy to behave a certain way try to do it young.  I know a very smart, lovely dog who decided he had better not eat when he was staying at a relation's house because mum and dad were on vacation.  I understand this.  Loyalty has it's price.
  I think it might be a great idea to practise sleep overs....with dining involved...when the puppy is young.   I know my friend Annabel has certain issues about going to the bathroom on a leash because she never had to do this as a young puppy.  We all have our problems.  Anyway, trying to figure out all the things puppy will need to do as a grown up and giving them a little practice when he is young is a good idea.

Monday, March 5, 2012


My puppies all love adventure. Sometimes they get very busy seeing what is over the next hill and I can't really say I blame them. However, I have always come when I am called and I expect my puppies to be the same way.
The coming when called started innocently enough.
When I was very small I noticed there was food that belonged to me in a dish on the counter. Even in pockets there was food that was mine. In less than a week of living with them I had them trained to give me the food at really regular intervals.
They would say my name out loud because they loved me so much. I would run and sit at their feet. Sitting was convenient because she always put the food just above my head. Wow it was great. Every time I sat like that they would pop a kibble in my mouth.
I have suggested to all of my puppies they follow my example and train their loved ones to give them kibble just for sitting at their feet.
Even now when there is a deer in the meadow I chase only a little bit before I hear that voice and thoughts of treats overwhelm me and I come racing for that cookie.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Puppy Care ... from my point of view. FOOD

Today I really haven't nursed my puppies at all. And!! when I ate three breakfasts (don't ask how I got them) and regurgitated the food nicely for my seven week old babies everybody had a fit and ran around with cloths and mops. Honestly I hope they feed them as well as I had planned to feed them.
When puppy comes home it is the best idea to keep them on the food they were on from the time they were three weeks old. My puppies are eating a mix of Acana Wild Prairie and Horizon Legacy food. This is fairly expensive food but it is cheaper than the vet bills.
The picture is of me in my youth. I was the Easter Bunny that year.
The puppy is Poppy. She enjoys all of her meals.
They are just beginning to eat some dry food and that can make a puppy choke if they are too enthusiastic. We spread it around for them and mix it sometimes with food that has been soaked with hot water.
These are a quality foods. Sadly none of the Supermarket foods are very good and we shop at the pet shop. The pet shop gives out treats to mums like me.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dear People,
I remember the day I came home. We drove all the way from Seattle and I had
a litter box in the van. Everybody thought I was adorable when I was set down in the living room. I was so excited I peed.
Oops. Mums had put me down on the ground in the garden for a few minutes but I was sniffing the new sniffs and didn't get around to the peeing part. I guess it takes a little longer than mums thought.
Note to everybody.....patience with the pee because it comes eventually and it comes every hour to hour and a half if your puppy is awake.
That first day they lifted me up on the couch for a cuddle. I loved it! I have been a couch potato ever since. Oh well. It's an old couch and I'm only fifty pounds. However
Note to good housekeepers.....if you don't want Fluffy to live on the couch don't give her a happy couch experience that first day.
Woofs to all
PS I am the blonde on the right and the puppy is my boy, Coriander.